Psalm 118:24

"This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Arctic Freeze

Saturday it was we live in the Arctic...literally! Monday night a massive cold front hit our area with a bang! It's the coldest its been in a decade.  I need a t-shirt that says "I survived the Arctic Freeze in Fort Worth".

We woke up Tuesday morning to about 2 inches of almost just ice and brutal temperatures. The high on Tuesday might have been 20 degrees (if we were lucky) and with the wind chill it felt about 1 degree.  Today the high is going to be 18 degrees and should feel just at or below 0.  And to top it all off we are experiencing rolling blackouts. People have been using so much electricity because its so cold, that the system is on overload.

I didn't even attempt to leave the house yesterday.  Donald went out for a few minutes to scrap the car and to check out the roads.  But for the most part we stayed in and kept warm.  The roads are still pretty bad today, but I did go into work.

Out our front door on Tuesday morning

Out the back door

I don't think I have ever experienced weather this cold before in my life (that I can remember).  And I have to say, I am not a big fan. I don't see how people who live in states where winter is always like this can survive.  My blood was not made to handle this kind of cold! It is so cold that the condensation on the inside of our windows is frozen. 

Icicles in the house

But the future is looking good...its going to be sunny and 24 degrees tomorrow and we might hit 32 degrees on Friday (woohoo!) And by Saturday we will be in melt down mode and back to regular Texas weather!  I can't wait!

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