Psalm 118:24

"This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday Morning Traditions

Besides sleeping in, my favorite thing about Saturday is sitting on our front porch.  We generally wake up as we please, one of us will make a pot of coffee and when its done we take our cups and sit out front.  We sip our coffee and just chat. I love it!

We generally don't talk about anything specific, we just chat and enjoy each others company.  But we've reminisced about the going to Nags Head, talked about the kiddos back home, and have even planned a few day trips.  We've talked about more serious things like where God will take us after seminary and have shared our hearts for the those who are hurting and for the lost.  I love that we can be totally serious and goofy all in the same conversation. 

We've been fascinated with the clouds (there are some pretty cool clouds here in TX!) and we water our basil plant.  We've seen a few neighbors walking their dogs and watering their plants. 

In 20 years when we are serving in a church and we think back to our time in seminary, I am almost certain that these Saturday mornings, just the two of us on our front porch, will be filed under some of our most favorite memories.  When the hustle and bustle of life is put on hold and for 30 short minutes its just us...and our coffee!

Thank you for sweet memories!

1 comment:

  1. I love that the cups you both are using are from trips we took together :) Enjoy those times together and no matter how crazy life gets make sure you always set aside time like that for the two of you, although once there are children you may want to shoot for 10minutes ;-)
