Psalm 118:24

"This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bacon and Brown Sugar Chicken

Last night for dinner I made Bacon and Brown Sugar Chicken and it was so good that I just had to share!  I got the recipe from the comments of a blog that I follow, but I changed it a little.  It had said to put it in the oven, but I like chicken cooked better in the crock-pot and let's face it, a crock-pot is just plain easier.

Let me just say it again- this was so good and so easy! The chicken just fell apart and it was so moist!

The things you need:
Chicken (2-3 breasts* cut into 1 inch pieces)
Brown Sugar

What you need to do:
Spray your crock-pot with cooking spray

Wrap each chicken piece with a piece of bacon (use 2 if you need too) and place in crock-pot.

Sprinkle with brown sugar (as much or as little as you would like)

Cook on high for 4hrs.

Serve with your favorite side and veggie! (We had scalloped potatoes and cheesy green beans!)

*This really depends on how many people you are feeding- for the 2 of us, I used 4 chicken breasts, but they were small and it made about 8 pieces.

*If you would like to cook it in the oven- Place wrapped chicken in a baking dish and bake for 30 minutes at 350degrees or until the chicken is no longer pink.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome September!

I love the month of September, and not just because it's the month my birthday falls in!

But because, for me, it always feels like a good time to organize and renew for the last few months of the year.  There's just an all together feeling of starting over- maybe its back to school, I'm not sure! (Although back to school here was 2 weeks ago, but September is back to school in my mind, I guess because that's always when I went back to school).  And summer is un-officially over.

So in light of my renewed feelings of organization and starting over, I thought I'd look at my resolutions from the new year and see how I'm doing! And maybe make a few new ones for the rest of the year!

1. Start and keep a blog- I think I've done very well with this one!

2. Spend less time on Facebook- eh! I've done okay with this one- I "try" not to spend so much time on FB, but sometimes my work gets really quiet and boring.  But I generally do not get on Facebook (or the computer for that matter) at all in the evenings or over the weekend.  I spend too much time on it at work during the day.

3. Health-  I kind of added to this one at the beginning of the summer when I decided I was going to start running, unfortunately I haven't hit the 3 mile mark by the end of the summer as I had hoped, but I am okay with that because running 3 miles takes a long time and a lot of energy, but I am well on my way to reaching that goal! I run for about 30 minutes and I can usually run 2.6 miles and then I do a 5 minute cool down, so I usually on the treadmill for about 2.8miles. I think if I can run for 35 minutes I should be able to reach that goal!  In terms of other health- I have done great! Still drinking lots of water and eating plenty of fruits and veggies! I've even lost a few pounds over the summer, so I am pumped about that! And now that Brayden is here, I am even more active than I was before! He keeps us busy- I think I've lost 5 pounds since he's been here!

4.  Personal Quiet Time-

  •  I am trucking along in my 180 day reading that that has taken me a lot longer than 180 days, but I am almost done! I am thinking and praying about what I want to tackle next in terms of a reading plan (I like to have a plan- it keeps me focused!) 
  • Memory verses- Okay, so I have done SO BAD with this.  I think the last verse I memorized was in March! So very, very bad! Confession- I am really bad at memorizing verses- not that I can't memorize, but its the act of doing that I am so bad at.  I need some hard core diligence.  
A few new ones...

5. Organization- Our house is pretty organized- or it appears that way- don't look in the closets! ha! But I would really LOVE to change that!  All of our closets are FULL of junk (yes, junk) that I would love to go through and get rid of!  So my goal is go through everything and decide what to do with it- trash, Goodwill or yard sale it! We have tons of clothes and stuff that we never touch (mostly because something might eat you if you try to get it from the closet! ha!) A little extra closet space and a little less stuff never harmed anyone! I think Metochai is hosting a yard sale in October, so that will also help with my next goal...

6.  Start saving and planning for our trip home at Christmas-  I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner! Ahh!!! I always intend to start saving earlier, but it never works out.  But saving even $10/week will help and buying things whenever I can will also help.  General goal, I know, but I need to start thinking about this- yesterday! 

So really I am only adding two new goals, mostly because they are both big goals and a few of the other ones still need some work! 

About the boys-

Donald is back to school and he has survived the first couple of weeks! This semester he is taking Hebrew, Preaching, Evangelism, and New Testament.  He's got a full plate for sure- with working, going to school and taking care of B after school and work, and making sure to spend time with me, he's one busy guy! I am so blessed by him and his hard work! 

Brayden is doing awesome!  The adjustment has gone so well for us all! We've gotten him into a good little routine (and we've adjusted to our new routine) so that's huge! I am a BIG fan of routines! He's talking like crazy and sometimes we even know what he says! ha!  His favorite words are: Mine, No, Go, Cow, kitty cat, and dog.  And he can say the sounds moo and meow.  He will repeat everything we ask him to say: he's working on outside, shoes, bath and Amen (he says them or says something that sounds like them!) He's very good at identifying things- if we say shoes, stroller, outside, snack, books, cup, etc. he can go get it or go to it.  Also, when we say "lets take a bath" he runs to bathroom wanting to climb in; when we say "do you want to brush your teeth?" he runs to the bathroom and takes out his paci; when we say its time to eat, he stands by his highchair and if we say "where's your paci" he can find it and sometimes 3 others.  We are also working on "where's your..." he knows "where's your ears", but when we ask him wheres your mouth, eyes, nose, etc. he points to his ears.  (The boy knows where his ears are!) He loves watching Yo Gabba Gabba and will dance and clap his hands when it comes on.  

But, I think that's a long enough post! ha! 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Life with a toddler...

In the almost week that we've had Brayden, there are a few things to be noted:

1.  The boy LOVES to be outside! As soon a you get him out of his crib from nap or bed he points to the door, wanting to go out.
2.  We have to hid his shoes because as soon as he sees them he wants to put them on and go outside.
3.  He loves to stroll in his stroller.  The boy would sit there and be completely content for hours at a time.
4.  We have to hid his stroller because as soon as he sees it he wants to sit in it and go outside.
5.  We will be taking him camping as soon as it cools down- he'll probably be the happiest kid in the world- wearing his shoes, sitting in his stroller and being outside.

6.  He loves to eat- oatmeal, waffles, watermelon, applesauce, yogurt, fruit snacks, goldfish,etc. If you give it to him, he'll eat it!
7.  He loves to feed himself.
8.  He is usually wearing more than he eats.  This morning I found oatmeal in his bellybutton- how did that happen?!?!
9.  If there is something he doesn't like (or doesn't want anymore), he will throw it at you, the wall or the floor- I was standing too close on Saturday and got a good showering of mac&cheese!

10. He usually doesn't like to be held- except for when he's tired or hungry.
11. The only time he wants me to hold him is when I'm fixing dinner- which means he's usually hungry.
12.  He's a great sleeper, even with boring seminary books!

13.  He is such a goof-ball- sometimes he'll just be standing there and start laughing at himself.  Makes you wonder whats going on in his little brain!

14. Our life is not the same- it's full diapers, flying food, YoGabaGaba, sippy cups, diaper bags, carseats, strollers, too many pacies, goldfish squished into the carpet, toys, and saying "no, no Brayden"- but it's good and we're having a ball!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's been a while...

...I know!

But honestly, there really hasn't been much going on. Its just been so stinkin' hot that you really can't do ANYTHING outdoors- not even get the mail. We've pretty much watched LOST and a bunch of movies we had been wanting to see.

But we did go to a Fort Worth Cats game a few Saturdays ago. The Cats are a local minor league baseball team.  We had a really good time.  One thing pretty cool about the stadium was that they still use an old school score board.  At the end of each inning a man walks down and puts up the sign for the runs.   I was more fascinated with that than I was with the game! Ha!

We got some new neighbors over the weekend.  We were excited about that since we've been without one for a while. Donald helped them unload their truck Friday afternoon, so they invited us to dinner with them and their family as a thank you to Donald (I just got to enjoy the food/fellowship without the hard work!)  We went to Uncle Julio's, a Mexican restaurant. We had never been so we were excited to try it, and we are please to say it was very good! We had a good time getting to know them and telling them all about SWBTS!

We got a crazy hair on Saturday and wanted to re-arrange some rooms, but we can't change our bedroom, the living room or the kitchen because there is pretty much no way to change things. That left Donald's room, so we spent a good majority of the afternoon moving furniture and cleaning (always feels good to clean under furniture).  There probably isn't any more room than there was before, but it feels like it, so we're excited.

My cousin Julie's wedding is coming up in a week and half, so I will be heading up to NJ for all the festivities! I am excited about seeing family and being a part of her big day, but Donald will be staying here so that a little of a bummer.

School goes back on the 25th and Donald is ready to get back to the books! (I'll do a post later with more on that, I am not sure of his schedule and all that fun stuff!)

I will be starting a new job in about a month! On Friday (August 5) I interviewed with a school about a tutoring position, and they gave me the job on the spot! (How cool is that!) I will be an in-house tutor for reading.  I'll be given a set of students that I will pull out of class and work with them individually on their reading skills.  The tutors generally start at the end of the first marking period (which would be around Oct. 1), but the principle is hoping to start sooner, like maybe the third week of September.  I am really excited about this opportunity.  It's not teaching, but it is working in a school with kids and will be utilizing my degree. And hopefully this will give me some good connections!  I'll keep you posted on definite start days and how it's going!

P.S. Don't you love how you thought there was nothing going on here in TX except for a baseball game and a room change! Good thing you read the whole thing huh!?!?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday Morning Traditions

Besides sleeping in, my favorite thing about Saturday is sitting on our front porch.  We generally wake up as we please, one of us will make a pot of coffee and when its done we take our cups and sit out front.  We sip our coffee and just chat. I love it!

We generally don't talk about anything specific, we just chat and enjoy each others company.  But we've reminisced about the going to Nags Head, talked about the kiddos back home, and have even planned a few day trips.  We've talked about more serious things like where God will take us after seminary and have shared our hearts for the those who are hurting and for the lost.  I love that we can be totally serious and goofy all in the same conversation. 

We've been fascinated with the clouds (there are some pretty cool clouds here in TX!) and we water our basil plant.  We've seen a few neighbors walking their dogs and watering their plants. 

In 20 years when we are serving in a church and we think back to our time in seminary, I am almost certain that these Saturday mornings, just the two of us on our front porch, will be filed under some of our most favorite memories.  When the hustle and bustle of life is put on hold and for 30 short minutes its just us...and our coffee!

Thank you for sweet memories!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Texas Heat

Now I have experienced lots of summers in my life and I've even survived 2 summers here in Texas.  Summers are suppose to be hot, that's how seasons work.

This summer has topped them all- hot just doesn't describe the temperature- brutal may be a better word. Including today, we have faced 18 days of 100 plus temperatures with NO end in sight, yes, brutal is the best word. Every single day in July, with the exception of July 1st, have been 100 degrees or hotter. Its been miserable.  That's a good word to use as well- brutal and miserable- that sums up this far.

Now this is not a "lets bash Texas summers" post, because lets face it- it's summer and it's Texas. But there are a few things that I have observed and have experienced.

  • You lose 10lbs. just walking 10 feet to the car and another 15lbs. once getting into said car because its black and its even hotter in there- well, we could all use to lose a few pounds now and  again, so I guess that's not all bad.
  • Hanging clothes on the clothes line (and then taking them down) is just as much of a work-out as running 2 miles- lots of sweating happens in both of these events.  However, the clothes dry in 2.2 seconds, so its worth it right? The things I do to save $0.75 a load on laundry day...
  • It gets so hot in our kitchen while cooking that its pretty much unbearable to eat in there, so most days we opt to eat in the living room where we don't have sweat into our food. So we've managed to watch a lot of LOST so far this summer! 
  • Things melt, i.e. book bindings and calculators.  I left my library books in the car for a long time and one of the books binding melted and fell apart. The calculator Donald bought from CVS at least 8 years ago (which was like the best calculator we have ever owned) actually melted in our car. 

Ironically enough, the calculator still works! HA! 

But in all seriousness, not sure how much more I can handle.  The heat is physically exhausting and its exhausting my checkbook... 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Vacation 2011: Lynchburg & Cookout

Thursday morning we got up and headed to Lynchburg. Kari and Matt were heading that way too on their home to NC, so they made a quick pit stop and the four of us had lunch before they hit the road again.

After we said goodbye to them we headed to Liberty's campus. They are constantly changing by adding new building, etc. so we always like to take a tour of campus. One of the biggest things they have going on right now is the renovation of the football field. They are also celebrating their 40th year, so there are lots of flags and stuff about that.

We also went into the bookstore just to check it out. While in there I found that they had Liberty Turvis tumblers (love these cups), so I convinced Donald to let me buy one. AND since I am an alumni I got a 15% discount! I was super pumped! I had no idea that alumni got a discount! That education is FINALLY paying off! HA!

Then we headed over to the Critchers house, which is where we stayed. We had a great time hanging out with them, as usual! Donald even got a piano lesson from Miss Halley!

On Friday we (as is us and the Critchers) met up with the Bryant's for dinner and some yummy yogurt from Sweet Frog.

Saturday we headed back to Richmond for a little cook-out at Donald's parents house. We got to see a ton of family which is always nice. I never took out my camera because I'm goofy like that! But I "borrowed" a few pictures from Donald's Aunt Tammy!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Vacation 2011: Wednesday

Wednesday was the day that Donald and I had set aside for visiting with friends.  So, Donald had lunch with Jason and I had lunch with Sara!  Donald and Jason went to Westbury and Sara and I went to Ruby Tuesdays! Its always nice getting to see them and enjoying sometime together.  I've got no pictures to prove that we went out with them, but I ensure you that we did!

But I do have some really cute picture of Brayden to share! I had a hard time getting him to sit still long enough to take a picture, so they are a little blurry!

Wednesday evening we headed out to stay at my moms house since we were leaving for Lynchburg in the morning.  Kari and Matt were coming back from their honeymoon and they were heading to their new home in NC in the morning also, so this was going to be the last chance to see them (and everyone else) before Christmas.  Dave, Troye and Tabitha came over too and my mom ordered some pizzas and we just hung out- our newly expanded family!  We also took a new picture to include Matt!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Vacation 2011: VA Beach

Now, I was honored being a part of Kari's wedding and loved getting to go to Philly, but the part of our vacation that I was looking forward to the MOST was going to the beach! Donald and I hadn't been to the beach in FO-E-VER (said like the kid from The Sandlot)! And for 2 beach loving people, that's a long time!

Well, the beach did not let me down and it was a gorgeous sunny day, despite all the weather predictions! I got a little sun, played with Gracie and Tabitha, watched Jared and Savannah ride every wave (or at least attempt to), chatted with Jackie, G and Troye and took a few pictures with my boy!

For G, because she LOVES back pictures!

In case you can't tell, that's Savannah!

After a great day we headed home and said goodbye to my most favorite place on earth! But before I could leave I had to take a few pictures to be reminded of my love for the beach when I am stuck in the middle of Texas!

Goodbye Beach, we shall meet again soon!

After we got home from the beach, Donald and I took showers and then met Donald's cousin Steven and his wife, Tina, and their daughter Jayce for dinner! We had a great time with them! We just ate and chatted and just had a good time visiting.